Paraeducator-One who works alongside an educator
In the beginning of November I received an amazing opportunity to become a paraeducator at a local school. With an interest in teaching and working with kids, I quickly accepted. I was placed in the preschool as a one on one with two special needs children. One in the morning preschool class, and one in the afternoon. Outside of the preschool, my duties range from watching the upper grades during recess, to tutoring kids who need a little extra practice.
My daily focus however is on these two specific children. Working with and being able to interact with the kids has been a life changing experience. It has made me humble, and optimistic. children have such a unique way of viewing the world, and being able to glimpse that is truly a joy.
Working one on one with the special needs children has been even more rewarding. Though they express things in a similar manor, they are highly individual. They require a quiet listening ear, and an open understanding heart. But if you allow them the opportunity, they will show you their brilliance and creativity. They are kind without fail, and they're intellect is quick to absorb every bite of information they can attain.
I am a strong believer in acceptance and inclusion, however this ongoing privilege to be able assist these kids has really shown me what it means to be human.
For those who want to learn more about children on the spectrum or with special needs:
Special needs - Wikipedia
Special Needs Resources | Resources for Children with Special ...
What It Means When a Child Has "Special Needs" - Verywell
Autism Spectrum Information:
Autism spectrum - Wikipedia
What is Autism? - Autism Science Foundation
10 Tips on How to Communicate with Autistic People | Autismum