Picnic in the Cemetery
In the next town over about fifteen minutes from my house there is an old cemetery that covers a long stretch of field. Its full, yet sparse. The feeling is different from upscale cemeteries in heavily populated areas. This one is old and spacious, not cramped in neat rows like city cemeteries. This one is speckled with tomb stones, and the ground rolls up and down in waves.
Catching one of the last sunny days in November I decided to pack a lunch and camera and head over. I had passed the cemetery many times, but I had never been in it. Even though the cemetery is touching the road, there is a strong sense of otherness. A distinct feeling that your in another location, a separate place. The sound of cars seem heavily muted, and it feels quieter than it should being so close to the road. Getting past the initial feeling of unease, the atmosphere was calming. It was still, pondering, a surprisingly good place to be alone with your thoughts.
Outside of my exotic picnic cemeteries in general have always fascinated me. The amount of human history preserved is amazing to see and feel up close. Tragedy and joy stand side by side in remembrance. The feeling is subtle but intense. I walked down the paths, wondering how these people lived back in 1904. Their lives must have been so different from those of today. Whole families were placed together each labeled with their life span, some terribly short. All of these people were preserved, there for anyone to come and remember. It made me stop and appreciate others, to ponder their lives and what they went through.
Their seems to be a stigma around cemeteries, in the sense that most people don't go their without a clear purpose. But I think its the opposite, going without a purpose leaves you open to thought and feeling. It leaves you free to wander, and appreciate the pain some families are still struggling through. I think their is a lot the living can learn from spending time in a cemetery. It is a place of remembrance, a place of stillness, and a place that can have a surprising impact on the heart.