Monday, December 11, 2017

Already Christmas?

I really cant believe its already December. It feels like yesterday I was psyching myself up for Thanksgiving. I'm blessed to eat apple pie twice in two months.
But besides the food, the looming arrival of Christmas got me thinking. As someone who doesn't personally celebrate Christmas, watching my friends and family panic about getting enough gifts, baking and travel; well it got me wanting to put out a reminder to enjoy the holidays. Instead of frantically buying gifts and stuffing stockings, remember to just be. Spend time with your family, laugh, focus on relaxing. Maybe even pass up gifts all together and plan a trip somewhere. Collect memories, not stuff. Sometimes the two go hand and hand, but keep it balanced. Take pictures, this year will only happen once. I doubt you will regret laughing with your loved ones, however I'm sure at least some of you have regretted gifts you've bought, or the debt that often comes with them.

Christmas is significant to many people and families, and I think its wonderful to celebrate what you believe, however its important to remember what the purpose of your celebration is. In recent times Christmas has become more commercial, revolving around buying gifts, gifts, and more gifts. While the spur to give in December is a beautiful thing, if the gift is bought because of obligation, its hardly a gifts at all. In so many things, less is more. Expressing appreciation and love is an invaluable gift, and one  that doesn't have to be given just for Christmas.

So take a minute to think this Christmas before rushing in for all the "great deals". Remember that time and love have more value than any gift.


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