Although the calendar date of spring was last week, for New England this week is just beginning to have the real taste of spring. The snow is melting, and staying melted, the birds are out, and the sun is alive and well. Its been a long wait, but it seems spring may finally be here to stay.
In response to the return of the sun, and my motivation, I start to plan out all sorts of things, such as craft projects, To-Do Lists, and even long term goals. Spring just has a way of jump starting the year. It's a time of renewed energy and purpose. A time to clean out the dust of winter and start anew.
Bellow I've compiled a list of suggested To-Do's for Spring, mostly from my own goals:
-Clean out your closet
-Go for a walk
-Spend time with your pets
-Finish uncompleted crafts
-Make summer plans
-Try out new recipes
-Make time to read
-Go on a short trip
-Pick a bouquet of flowers
-Avoid spring bugs!
What is your favorite spring activity?
-Pick a bouquet of flowers
-Avoid spring bugs!
What is your favorite spring activity?