Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Its frustrating how little people think about how their actions will affect others. People go about there daily lives ignorant and unaware as to how there actions trigger ripple affects in those around them.  Whether its being overly loud and boisterous, or making an unnecessary rude comment to an acquaintance, many people we encounter on a daily basis are oblivious.

 Our culture encourages and insinuates many of these self absorbed mentalities, however that doesn't take the blame off of individuals, myself included. I often do many things that irritate others yet continue to do so even though I am aware of the effect. I believe everyone has a hypocritical side, its just a matter of becoming aware and managing it. Even little things such as blasting music while others are reading, or repeatedly interrupting someone who is speaking, these small things can make someone fell unvalued and disrespected.

 It may seem irrelevant or small, but just as a simple act of kindness can make someones day, or inspire them to keep going, so too can a harsh word discourage or take the energy out of their day. I think its important to be aware of how we interact with those around us. As a society we've become so oblivious to the pain or discomfort of others that's its considered normal to ignore. And we are so focused on ourselves that we don't stop to consider that others are struggling too.

 Its all seems to come back down to the golden rule "Treat others the way you want to be treated." Now that being said its important to take into consideration not every personality will want to be treated the same. Some don't mind playful teasing, while others are highly sensitive to it. Empathy is key. Imagine how a particular person's personality would react to the situation or action, not just your own. Becoming more self aware is a major key in helping to lower the amount of human struggle in the world. While the past of human history by no means sheds a bright light on a proper way to treat fellow humans,  there are times I wish we could bring back some of the chivalry and manners that that were expected in that past.

Thoughts, Love, and Stories,


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